Smoke and Mirrors

8x32 R, 2C in a 4C set

1-2 Half a RH star

3-4 Half turn partner RH

5-6 1M and 2L change places RS

7-8 Half turn partner RH (1st corners have changed places)

9-10 Half a RH star

11-12 Half turn partner RH

13-14 1L and 2M change places RS

15-16 Half turn partner RH (all diagonally opposite own position)

17-18 All chase one place clockwise

19-20 All change places RH with partner on the sides

21-22 All chase one place clockwise

23-24 All change places RH with partner across (all back in own position)

25-26 All set

27-28 All change places RH with partner; 2C face out while 1C retain RH.

29-30 1C lead down and retain RH, 2C cast up

31-32 All change places RH with partner