Trip to Lichfield

4x32 R, 4C set

1-2 Half a RH star at each end and end couples retain hands

3-4 End couples half turn RH and retain hands; middle couples cross up and down LH

5-16 Repeat 1-4 three more times

17-20 1C face across, others face up. 1C set and half turn 2H, opening up to face down

21-24 1C turn 2C with nearer hand (1M turn 2L LH; 1L turn 2M RH) and cross down to between 3s

25-28 1C turn 3C with nearer hand (1M turn 3M RH; 1L turn 3L LH) and cross down to between 4s

29-32 1C turn 4C with nearer hand (1M turn 4L LH; 1L turn 4M RH) and cross down to bottom place on own side

A combination of Trip to Bavaria and the Cotswold morris figure Lichfield Hey.