Pinball Reel

8x32 R, 3C in a 4C set

1-8 1st couple cross, cast off and dance half figures of eight (lady up, man down), and face 1st corners

9-16 1C and 1st corners dance a 'Pinball Reel' - like a right shoulder reel of 4, but instead of passing LS in the middle you give RH, pass RH and pull back RS. The second time they meet, the 1st couple turn slightly less far to face 2nd corners

17-24 1C and 2nd corners dance a pinball reel; 1st couple finish in 2nd place on own sides facing out

25-32 Corners chase once around clockwise. 1st couple do a LS pinball reel across the dance - dance LS round 4th corner, do a LS pinball pass, LS around 4th corner again, and another LS pinball pass to finish in 2nd place on own side facing across