Poachers' Reel

8x48 R, 3C in a 4C set

1-8 1C lead down between 3s while 2s step up, cast up to 2nd place and dance right hand across (1L with 2s, 1M with 3s). Finish with 1C in 2nd place on own side, other two couples facing clockwise

9-20 Interchanging figure of 8*

21-24 1st couple and 1st corners dance half a RS reel of 4 on the 1st diagonal

25-28 1st couple pass 1st corners RS to start half reels of 3 on the sides

29-32 1st couple and 2nd corners dance half a RS reel of 4 on the 1st diagonal

33-36 1st couple pass 2nd corners RS to start half reels of 3 on the sides

37-40 1st couple dance LS round partners 2nd corner position 

Meanwhile, corners dance half R&L

41-48 All circle round and back

9-10 1C set while 2nd corners followed by 1st corners chase slightly more than 1 place round clockwise

3L  3M

    1M    1L

          2L  2M

11-12 1C pull back RS to follow 1st corners 

2nd corners dance round into places previously occupied by 1C 

1st corners pass LS in the middle

2M  1L

    3M    2L

          1M  3L

13-14 2nd corners set while 1C

15-16 2nd corners pull back LS to follow 1C, 1st corners move into sidelines, 1st corners cross RS

17-18 1st corners set while 1C followed by 2nd corners dance round them

19-20 1st corners pull back RS and all dance to progressed places