Despina and Susanna

8x32 R, 2C in a 4C set

1-8 All dance the Espagnole:

Men dance across to partners position and then cross RH between ladies to other man's position (2M in front of 1M); Ladies cross RH between men to opposite position (2L in front of 1L) and then dance dance across to other lady's position; 2s turn RH at the top while 1s turn LH at the bottom for four bars.

9-16 Ladies take inside hands and dance across to mens' positions, dance round into 1st couple positions, dance down to 2nd couple positions and let go, and cast up to 1st couple positions. Men dance across to ladies' positions, take inside hands, dance across to mens' positions, cast round into 1st couple positions, dance down to 2nd couple positions, let go hands and face out

17-24 Men cast up, ladies cross down to dance a double figure of 8; always passing RS when crossing down

25-28 2M followed by 1M chase round to mens' positions and dance across to ladies positions

Ladies dance down to 2nd positions and chase round to men's positions

29-32 All turn partner RH 1 1/2

IIRC they are two of Jacob's pet rats.