Fluffy Bunnies

4x32 J, 4C set

1-2 1C cast to bottom, other three couples dance up one place

3-4 2C and 3C tandem cast to bottom, 4C and 1C dance up two places

5-6 4C, 1C and 2C cast off one place, 3C dance up to top

7-8 All cast in place. Finish 3412

9-10 3C cross RH and retain hands

11-12 3C and 4C half star RH

13-14 4C cross RH, 3C and 1C half star RH and retain hands with partner

15-16 4C with 1C and 3C with 2C half star RH. Finish 1(4)(2)3

17-24 1C cross RH, all others face up, to start a snowball chain (1 step per change). Finish 1(3)(4)2

25-26 1s circle half way left with the 3s

27-28 1s circle half way right with the 4s

29-30 1s circle half way left with the 2s

31-32 1s and 2s cross LH to finish 3421

This one is for Naomi, who complained that "Malevolence" and "The Torments They Teach" were not titles that inspired confidence, and asked for a dance called "Fluffy Bunnies", which starts off with just two of them and then multiplies... Here it is.