You Can't Take the Sky from Me

4x48 R, 4C set

1-4 1C and 4C, followed by their partners, cast into the middle and dance half a LH star; 2C and 3C step out on 3 and 4

5-8 2C and 3C dance half R&L; 1M and 4L cast round to the nearer end, dance into the middle and pull back RS. 1L and 4M follow partners to finish at ends of the dance


3L  3M  



2L  2M  


9-10 Half a RH star at each end

11-12 1M and 4L chase 1/4 clockwise 

1L and 4M turn 3/4 left 

2s and 3s set

3M     3L

1M  1L 4M  4L

  2M     2L

13-14 Half a RH star on each side

15-16 1L and 4M chase 1/4 clockwise 

1M and 4L turn 3/4 left 

2s and 3s set

17-24 Repeat bars 9-16 from new positions


3L  3M



2L  2M


25-28 All give LS to someone of same sex to dance 3/8 LS reels of 4 across (3s with 4s, 1s with 2s)


3M  3L



2M  2L


29-32 1s and 4s dance half a RS reel of 4 up and down the dance

33-36 1M and 4L, followed by partner, cast round to the right and across the dance to order 3142

37-40 Hands 4 once around at each end

41-48 All circle round and back