Old Mortality

4x32 R, 4C set

1-4 1st couple turn 2H (pas de basque) 1/4 and open up to face women's side while 2s, 3s and 4s step up; make an arch and dance out over 2L

5-8 1L followed by 1M chases round to bottom of set on wrong side. 2C turn 3/4 with both hands to face men's side while 3s and 4s step up, make an arch and dance out over 3M

9-12 1C turn 4C RH all the way round. 2M followed by 2L chases round to bottom of set on wrong side. 3C 2H turn all the way, face up, separate and dance up and curve round behind own side

13-16 4C 2H turn half way to face down, make an arch and dance to bottom of set. 3C continue round to bottom, meet and dance up to top under the arch. 1M, 2M and 1L, 2L turn all the way round with the left hand. 3C and 4C finish in promenade hold

17-24 3C with 1s and 4C with 2s dance RS reels of 3 across

Finish in a longwise set in order 3(1)(2)(4)

25-28 1s and 2s dance a RH star, 3s and 4s promenade half way round the outside and turn to face in. 4(1)(2)(3)

29-32 Everyone half turn RH, 4C complete the turn while other 3 couples set