St. John Bosco Roman Catholic Church
Conyngham, PA 18249
In the Greater Hazleton Area we are blessed, through the generosity of the Lesante family, to have weekend mass televised for those who are, infirm, elderly, homebound, hospitalized, in an assisted living facility with or for some other serious reason, unable to attend mass in person. You can view it at home on The Service Electric Cable television station, SSP TV, channel 13 and 513 HD. Many of the priests from the area, including Fr, Connell McHugh, Fr. Michael Kloton, Fr., Kevin Miller, Fr. Ric Polmounter and Fr. Sudhir Toppo volunteer as celebrants. The mass is broadcast on television on Saturdays at 4 and 6 PM and again on Sundays at 7 and 9 AM and 6 PM. You may also watch anywhere on any device 24/7 on SSP TV YouTube channel. Pass this on to friends, neighbors, coworkers, and others, who are unable to participate in person at mass.
The New Year is upon us; let us take time to reflect on our personal prayer life. Prayer leads us to a deeper understanding of our role as a Catholic steward. The importance of Eucharistic Adoration is shown in the fact that the Church has a ritual that regulates it: the Rite of Eucharistic Exposition and Benediction. This is an extension of the adoration of the Blessed Sacrament which occurs in every Mass: "Behold the Lamb of God, behold him who takes away the sins of the world. Blessed are those called to the supper of the Lamb." Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament flows from the sacrifice of the Mass and serves to deepen our hunger for Communion with Christ and the rest of the Church. The Rite concludes with the ordained minister blessing the faithful with the Blessed Sacrament. Holy hours are the Roman Catholic devotional tradi-tion of spending an hour in Eucharistic Adoration in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament.
We are blessed at St. John Bosco Parish to have two Holy Hours each month. Plan to attend one of them.
FIRST FRIDAY OF EACH MONTH: Following the 8 am Mass until 9:30 am
FIRST SATURDAY OF EACH MONTH: 2:30 – 3:30 PM, hosted by our Parish Knights of Columbus. The Sacrament of Rec-onciliation (Confession) is available from 3-3:30 pm
The Vision 2030 Blueprint Planning Process is a long-range pastoral planning process for the Diocese of Scranton. While looking proactively as the realities of our local church in the present moment, this process strives to meet the opportunities and challenges of the coming decade in order to create vibrant expressions of parish life rooted in the life of Jesus Christ.
Social Resources
The pandemic has led to an unprecedented rise in mental health issues. Many people are finding it increasingly difficult to stay mentally healthy due to prolonged isolation, financial insecurities, and loss of loved ones. Christian therapy can help people manage these issues through a spiritual lens and from a Christian perspective. This new resource helps people understand what it's like to get Christian therapy, how to find a qualified Christian therapist, common issues addressed by Christian therapists, and how to prepare for a session. You can view this resource by clicking here!
Since July 16, 2022, Pennsylvanians have a new, easier way to connect to mental or behavioral health crisis services. People can call, text, or chat 988 will be connected directly to the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline. The existing Lifeline phone number (1-800-273- 8255) will remain available. 988 can be used by anyone who needs support for a suicidal, mental or behavioral health, and/or sub-stance use crisis — no matter where they are or where they live. Lifeline services are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at no cost to the caller. Trained professionals are waiting to listen and immediately provide phone-based support and/or connections to local resources.
Weekly offerings may be taken or mailed to the Parish Office at:
Saint John Bosco Church
P.O. Box 919
Conyngham, PA 18219-0919
Sacred Heart of Jesus Church
P.O. Box 919
Conyngham, PA 18219-0919
Your contributions are greatly appreciated!
If you are receiving envelopes with incorrect names or titles (for example, Ms. instead of Mrs., or names of people who no longer reside with you (adult children, etc.)), please call the office, 570-788-1997, ext. 3. We are still working through a data transfer from one provider to another. Because there is a two-month lead time on the printing and mailing of envelopes, you will not see the correction for at least two to three months. The envelopes are sent directly from our provider. The only way we can correct any errors that occur is if you let us know. Thank you for your cooperation, understanding and patience.
Once a year, in January, you receive an INITIAL envelope in your set. This helps to defray the cost of the printing and mailing of monthly Church envelopes throughout the entire year. Due to the increase in postage and printing, it costs almost $15 per parishioner/family for 12 mailings each year. These are vital in a large parish. Often parishioners move throughout the year and the envelope company informs us about or gives us the new address so that our membership list is kept current. Whatever you can do is deeply appreciated.
It has been brought to my attention that some parishioners have recently received an email requesting gift cards, Visa cards, etc. for our parish. THIS IS A SCAM. Our parish and I will NEVER send you an email requesting money or gift cards. Do not fall for this scam. Look at the URL, phone number or email from which it was sent. It is not from our parish or from me. If you ever get one of these, please call the parish office and do not reply to that email or its bogus request.
As we conclude the year 2024 and begin a new year of Grace, you are requested to bring your financial contributions up to date. Your regular and generous support of our Parish and its ministries throughout the year is appreciated. We will not be sending out the Yearly Financial reports until the end of January 2025. If you desire one for your Income Tax purposes please complete the form below and mail or take it the parish office or drop the request in the weekly collection basket. Please print legibly.
Name _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Phone ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Email _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Address __________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Envelope Number _______________________________________________________________________________________________
For those giving your contributions to our Church by checks, you are reminded to carefully write your check. At the beginning of this year we have noticed that many have placed the wrong date (2024 instead of 2025) and some forgot to sign their name. The bank will not accept checks that have the incorrect date or no signature. Thank You!
Our Parish (both Churches) deliver the Word of God and Jesus in Holy Communion to the faithful of our area, parishioners and visitors alike. Your weekly offering allows us to do this and much more: maintain our beloved Churches and properties, offer assistance to those most vulnerable in our midst, conduct our outstanding religious education program for our youth and adults, and pay our dedicated staff and our daily operating expenses. We also realize the real financial sacrifice your donation represents.
Our Parish extends a special word of thanks to all those faithful parishioners and friends of our parish who continue to support us financially. It is through your generosity on a weekly basis and especially at Christmas and Easter as well as your participation in our annual fundraising events, such as the Grey Dog, Golf Classic, Spring Fling and Pasta Dinner, that we are able to spread the Gospel message to the faithful and to evangelize others. Thank You!
Through your generosity in the monthly Maintenance envelope and the Cemetery envelope, the following areas are being repaired or renovated at our Churches. Thank you!
Saint John Bosco Church:
Repair, repainting and sealing of the large outdoor statues for our Nativity.
Repair, sealing and marking of our six driveways and three parking lots.
Trimming of all of the trees on our property.
New roof on shed
Sacred Heart of Jesus Church:
Landscaping in the front of our Sacred Heart of Jesus Church and sign.
Repair of Microphone system and new microphone for the Choir and one for the Celebrant.
Sacred Heart-Saint Joseph Cemetery:
Resurface and repair of the four driveways.
Removal of the Death Vault
New electrical service.
Removal of 13 dead trees
Traveling on vacation?
Away from your area or from your regular routine?
Easily find Weekend Mass times where you are at.
Click Here to Visit
Click Here to Visit
Technology keeps the faithful connected to their obligations at home or on the road!
We need your help to keep our parish membership records up to date and accurate.
It is extremely important that you notify our parish office at 570-788-1997, Ext 3, when you change your phone number, delete a land phone, change your email or mailing address. You may also drop a message in your weekly envelope about the change or simply visit the parish office. With over 1,000 families registered in our parish, we have no other way to update our records if you don't notify us. Your cooperation is deeply appreciated.
St. John Bosco Mass Schedule
St. John Bosco Church opens on weekdays at 6:45 a.m. and closes at 11:00 a.m.
On Saturday the church opens at 9:00 a.m. and closes at 5:00 p.m.
On Sunday the church opens at 6:45 a.m. and closes at noon or 1:00 p.m. depending on the Mass and Baptism schedule.
At Sacred Heart of Jesus in Weston, the church opens on Sundays at 8:00 a.m. and closes at 10:00 a.m.
Your understanding and cooperation is deeply appreciated.
You are reminded that beginning on Memorial Day weekend, May 27–28, the last Mass on Sunday at Saint John Bosco Church will be at 11:00 AM. This will continue through Labor Day weekend. All of the other Masses will remain the same.
Daily Mass: 8:00 AM Monday - Friday
Saturday Vigil: 4:00 PM
Sunday: 7:30 AM, 9:00 AM, 11:30 AM
(Memorial Day through Labor Day-11 AM)
Holy Day Vigil: 5:00 PM
Holy Day: 8:00 AM, 7:00 PM
St, John Bosco Reconciliation Schedule
Saturday: 3:00 PM - 3:30 PM
Anytime by appointment
Sacred Heart of Jesus Church Mass Schedule
Sunday: 9 AM
Sacred Heart of Jesus Church Reconciliation Schedule
Sunday: 8:15-8:45 AM
Contact Us
Office Hours: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 8:30 am to Noon and from 1-3:30 PM.
Mailing Address Only: P.O. Box 919 Conyngham, PA 18219
Building Address Only: 573 State Route 93, Sugarloaf, PA. 18249
By Phone: (570) 788-1997
By Fax: (570) 788-6667
By Email:
With the beginning of the winter season, it is a good opportunity to remind you of our parish winter mass policy. Weekday and weekend masses at Saint John BOSCO Church will NEVER be canceled due to inclement weather conditions. However, please use your common sense. If the weather is dangerous, please stay home and watch the Mass on television or the internet and take time to pray privately.
At Sacred Heart of Jesus Church in Weston, if there is a lot of ice or treacher-ous driving conditions and we are unable to get from Conyngham to Weston, (unless someone with a vehicle and an ability to drive safely in these conditions can pick us up), the mass will be canceled and the mass intention rescheduled. Your cooperation and understanding is appreciated.
Parish Staff
Father Ric Polmounter
Father Christian Ekeh
Father Edward Michelini
Father Steven Brosk
Deacon Maurice J. Cerasaro, Jr.
Melanie Pensock, Parish Secretaries, Option 3
Sarah Woolbert, Office Assistant
Kristina Notaro, Book Keeper
Maureen Ciavarella, Director, Youth Faith Formation, Option 6
Jennifer Gerhard, Music Ministry/Choir Director
Larry Huff and Marie Sauers, Maintenance
Phil and Marie Guza, Bereavement Support
Joseph Gallagher, Parish Finance Advisory Board Chair
Pam Synoski, Parish Pastoral Council Chair
Ed Slusarczyk, Parish Liturgy Committee Chair