Risk Management
Risk and technologies place society into groups of identities - minorities, those on welfare, those with elite credit cards, educated people, or those with disabilities (Ericson and Haggerty p. 94), and risk management is political arithmetic that aims at managing groups of risk from a distance.
According to Ericson and Haggerty (1997), "Risk management technologies institutionalize bias and selective discrimination. People are excluded from risk pools by statistical probabilities that often rely on poor or false indicators of offending behavior. Unable to take into account context and circumstances, these technologies either misrepresent them or simply fill in the blind spots with local bureaucratic custom" (p. 122).
Ericson, R. V., & Haggerty, K.D. (1997). The Risk Society. In R.V. Ericson & K.D. Haggerty (Eds.) Policing the risk society (pp. 81-130). U of Toronto: Toronto.