Grounded theory
Example use
"Throughout the research process, I used grounded theory (Glaser & Strauss, 1967) as a recursive process to bridge data collection and interpretation, a process that privileges themes occurring in data rather than preexistent theoretical commitments. I looked for emergent themes and rich features (Barton, 2004) in discourse gathered from online community conversations and interviews. Following Schryer, Lingard, Spafford, and Garwood’s (2003) “modified grounded theory” approach, I “first identif-[ied] emergent themes but then allow[ed]…theoretical orientations to affect our interpretations of those themes” (p. 95)" (Holladay, 2017, p. 13).
Holladay, D. (2017). Classified Conversations: Psychiatry and Tactical Technical Communication in Online Spaces. Technical Communication Quarterly, 26(1), 8-24.