Participatory Surveillance

According to Media, surveillance and identity: social perspective, Albrechtslund (2008) developed the idea of participatory surveillance (Jansson and Christensen, 2014: 2), and according to Germann Molz, it relates to "Andrejevic's (2005) lateral surveillance, Crawford's (2009) social listening, and Tokunaga's (2011) social surveillance. It has to do with people using online practices of "watching, tracking, monitoring and following" in order to socialize with friends. The purpose of social media information is for others to look at it. It is "a case of willing participatnts using online netwroking technolgies to watch themselves and each other in a decentralized, non-hierachical system of surveillance" (p. 130).

See: *surveillance types


Jansson, A.,& Christensen, M. (2014). Media, surveillance and identity: Social perspective. New York: Peter Lang.