Google Bubble

The Google bubble is nothing new – in 1947 Hyman & Sheatsley in “Some Reasons Why Information Campaigns Fail” p. 413 suggest that people look for information that matches their view point, tastes and biases, and people interpret the same information differently. If they do learn new information, they may interpret it differently” (Surette, 1992, .84).

Bauman and Lyon (2013) state, "It is fairly well-known that different people Googling with teh same work come up with different results" (p. 123). They call this the filter bubble.


Bauman, Z. & Lyon, D. (2013). Liquid surveillance. Cambridge: Polity Press.

Surette, Ray. “The Media’s Influence on Attitudes and Beliefs About Crime and Justice.” Media, Crime, and Criminal Justice: Images and Realities. Wadsworth Publishing Company: Belmont, California, 1992. 79-106. Print.