
The "ban-opticon" was popularized through Bigo's research that some people are excluded, the sans-papiers or "the potential terrorist, the refugee - those 'trapped in the imperative of mobility" (p. 65). Lyon relates this to Agamben's discussion of the state of exception where some are excluded or outside of society.

This profiles a country's minorities and has three features: 1) power in liberal society (routinized states of emergency); 2) profiling, and 3) normalizing on non-excluded groups (Bauman & Lyon, 2013, p. 62). This works to "keep away" instead of "keeping in" (p. 63).

Bigo, D. (2005) "Globalized (in)security: The field and the banoptiocon", in J. Solomon and N. Sakai (eds), Traces: A Multilingual Series of Cultural Theory and Transition, Hong Kong: University of Hong Kong Press.

Lyon, D.(2007) Surveillance Studies: An Overview. Malden: Polity Press.