
In Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Literacy Research, Charles Bazerman discussed that genre has been described through the different perspectives of text, rhetoric, and practice. Simplified, genre in text is the textual properties such as location and order of certain features, rhetoric is the relationship of text to its context, and practice is many things involving action to include how text is processed socially (138) (?Ede, 2004?).

According to Knowledge: Historical and Critical Studies in Discpilinarity, “Socially and conceptually, we are disciplined by our disciplines. First, the help produce our world. They specify the objects we can study (genre, deviant persons, classic texts) and relations that obtain among them (mutation, criminality, canonicity)” (Ede 161).


Ede, Lisa. (2004). Situating composition: Composition studies and the politics of location. Carbondale: Southern Illinois Press.