Loyalty Cards

Jansson and Christensen (2014) state that loyalty cards work on the ideas of Marcel Mauss' (1923 and 1989) work on gifts and the reciprocity of exchange. Socially, there is a feeling of obligation to respond to a gift; consumers willingly give up their information in exchange for "gifts" or discounts (p. 41). Additionally, "Loyalty card schemes, as systems of exchange, communicate a system of belonging, community, reciprocity, obligation or social bonds (e.g., investment in an individual). As part of the economic exchange, loyalty cards disguise the act of commodity exchange while at the same time supporting its efficiency" (p. 43).


The card itself doesn't surveil you, but the practices surrounding the card watch the consumer (p. 43).


Jansson, A.,& Christensen, M. (Eds.) (2014). Media, surveillance and identity: Social perspective. New York: Peter Lang.