Bronk the Collector

Bronk is...unique. He would rather build a trading hub for humans, and have some of them on the island, but in reality, he simply wants all their strange and unique items. He collects these items from the ships destroyed along the shores, hoarding them away in his large shore home. 

Every so often, Bronk takes some of his goods that other dragons seek or may enjoy, and trades them for the human "Treasures" they find. Let's face it, it's all garbage but maybe one mans trash is another dragons treasure. Every so often you may find Bronk's booth open for trading! Get your items quick before it closes down. Don't have fear, however, it will always open again in the future!

Some fun items you may find in his shop from time to time are things such as special background, re-released event backgrounds, premade dragon apparel items (just simply copy and past the file onto your dragons import an tada!) or bags of adventure goodies.