

The mutation Painted, gives your dragon an extra color! This color must either at minimum, be used on things such as horns, manes, or flesh. At maximum, it may also change the color of a singular marking. The marking must be changed in color, in full...or cover half of the marking and be fully blended out. If the marking is a spotted or striped marking, it may cover each spot mix and match with the color the marking calls for, and the painted color. Painted will be a second color slider listed on the geno and must follow that slider.

(Example is spotted with the cactus slider)


Metallic will change the color of the dragons claws, horns and teeth to a metallic color. It may be gold, silver, copper or bronze/brass in shade. It will need to take on metallic shading/highlights.
Teeth are option however.


Creates a random patch across the dragon that either darkens or lightens everything under it, as it sits on top of every other marking. May not be more then 30% coverage. Color the patch in either a very deep gray or white, then turn the opacity down to 50% to get a good range. May have a halo around the outter edge of the marking either lighter or darker then the marking. 


This mutation gives your dragon a color shifting look. It may either effect the entire body, or a singular marking in full. Will have a color shift of 3 colors, OR the full holographic range (full rainbow shift). May have slight "sparkle" effects in the area/marking it effects. Must be blended out and soft looking, like the light is catching the dragon just right to make its shimmering colors show up!


Creates a large fully faded/blended patch of diluted color, turning the dragon and its markings in that patch, gray tones. May make it fully gray, or a diluted duller color of what is already there. Must not be more then 50% of the dragon or less then 25%. Must one solid patch, with no splits or breaks in its shape. 


Makes the entire dragon white! May have some very light, and blended pink shades where the skin is thinner. (Muzzle, eyes, throat under the jaw, toes, belly/groin, wing tips ect). Makes paw pads pink as well, and MAY make the claws/horns pale pink too. Eyes must be shades of red, or a deep pink, just like albino animals