
Causes a diluted patch across the main body of the dragon. 

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(Half way down Woldren tails) 


Marking type: Top

Roan causes a large patch on the main body of the dragon (torso/belly area) to become pale/diluted (at least must cover chest area). It may also have small darker corn spots in the paled area.

The edges of the marking must be fully blended out but ALSO may take on a slight textured appearance (see examples).

Line art must always be visible under the marking.

Visual Guide and Correct Examples


A simple roan, with corn spots that are darker then the roans light color (even though they match the base coat!)


A textured blended edge to roan. These corn spots are considerably darker which is allowed.

X Incorrect Examples X

Too small/No Corn Spots

There is TOO little of the marking showing here. It must be most of the range to count. There are also no darker corn spots, which is not allowed.