Map and Locations



Steel Claw Fortress - The main Woldren fortress, deep within Mt. Cold Eye. Home to a majority of the Woldren population.
Morvay City - A large population of Udin built this massive cliffside city high up on the misty peaks of the broken spines.
The Great Reef - The main home of the Sea Gliders, now repaired with the collective effort of the isles.


Evergreen Port - A large port in the frozen north, the leading hub of trade in the frozen lands of the woldren.
Raygath Port - A fair-weather port, this is a great hub for travelers of all kinds.
Tarkath Port - A desert-based port, this hot sands port is home to only the brave...or the crazy.

Human Locations

Lady Sevian Wreck - This ship was the first to attempt to land on the isles, and the cold water of the north has kept it well preserved deep in the ocean.
Fair Weather Wreck - This is the largest ship of a  fleet of ships that attempted to land but was decimated by a legendary ship breaker and his crew.
Ruined Attempted Village - Under the cloak of magic, humans managed to make land and began to build, taking the lives of the local dragons. Once discovered, they were quickly eradicated.

Mountains and Mountain Ranges

Mt. Cold Eye - The largest of the many large peaks in the frozen north.
Broken Spine Mountains - A large main mountain range in the west, broken and rocky with plenty of life.
Mt. Ash - The volcanic peak, forever spewing lava within the dead lands.
South Ridge Range - A mountain range that splits the lower west from the swamps.
Silver Mountains - A smaller mountain range so named for its silvery color when the sun sets every day.
Mt. Sky Touch - The tallest of all the mountains on the Isles. Its peak pierces the sky and clouds, and no dragon alive has ever summited it.

Other Locations

Sea of Fins - A gathering area for ship breakers and other ocean-based species.
Lake of Mists - These large lakes are nearly always covered in a fine layer of mist. Some of the best-tasting fish can be caught here.
Burial Trench - The burial location of many ocean-dwelling species, most notably the Ship Breakers.
Blighted Village - A once thriving village of dragons, is now abandoned and NO one dares set foot there, as it's said to be the birthplace of the great dragon plague.
Glimmer Caves - Some of the finest gems can be found here, and plenty of Dwellers live AND work here as well.
Spirit Woods - A silent place few venture. Where Spirit wood is harvested, the magic is so strong it's said to bring the dead back to "life".
Swift Wing Racing Grounds - A massive swath of land in the hilly plains where racing most often takes place.
The Kings Slumber - A titanic dead dragon rests here. So massive, that its skull is said to host it's own ecosystem...but no one knows for sure.
The Burning Grasp - Hot, deadly, and dry is the best way to describe this spit of desert land.
Forbidden Ruins - Previously forbidden to travel too, now the home of the Thunder Horns.
Bronk's Home - Bronk lives here with his... "collection" of human "treasures".