General Dragon Info

Basic Size Guide

Dragons come in many sizes, and the sizes fall under one of these ranges!

Titanic -  NA
Gigantic - Ship Breakers
Large - Swift Wings, Woldren
Medium - Udin, Thunder Horns
Small - Dwellers
Tiny - Sea Gliders

Food and food culture

Dragons love to eat, nearly as much as they love to hoard. All dragons have the ability to consume and process meats, seafoods and plant/fruit matter but some dragon species have preferred diets, either due to location/climate or just...cultural reasons! Some dragons like the food cooked, some prefer it raw. Some dragons like heavily spiced foods, while others like it simply as is....with maybe a slight pinch of salt. Some species, namely Udin, will eat their food with utensils and use plates and other such finery, but most species will simply use special stones made only for meals or large leaves to plate their food, and will either eat directly from them or use their claws to pick up food. If food is roasted on a stick, it's often eaten directly off of said stick/spit.

And we can't forget drinks. While water is the life source, dragons LOVE a good brew. Mostly they drink mead or wine...of course done dragon style, often spiced up with local fruits. It's not uncommon to find a dragon with flasks of both water AND a good mead at their side. There are also brew festivals from time to time celebrating food and drink!

Species to Species interactions

Nearly all the dragons get along with other dragons of differing species, its more of a....dragon to dragon situation. Some dragons prefer the company of their own kind, while others prefer to mix and mingle with others! This could be for a variety of reasons from size differences and fear of injuring one another to vastly differing cultures! There is no hate of one species to the next, however, as that's HIGHLY frowned upon and snuffed out quickly.

Lots of dragon species have thriving trade with other species, as each one seems to have different skills in different areas, and it takes a helping claw some times to survive the harsh wilds of the Islands.