
Dragons are only NOW learning about companion critters, as the Thunder Horns have introduced them to the concept of keeping small animals as pets vs livestock or food. And it's taking the islands by storm!

Companions are creatures you can find and attach to your dragon via the shop or adventuring, to bring back extra bonuses from adventuring, events or even to add extra points to your art/writing!

1. Each dragon can "care for"/be equipped with 2 companion creatures maximum.
2. To be awarded the bonus items or points (according to the companion type) they must be included in the entry, either drawn or written.
3. Companions can be stacked! Meaning, the two companions your dragon can have can be of the same species if you so wish.

If you no longer wish to have a companion equipped or want to change it to a new one, the old pet is lost aka "Adopted to a different home". It will NOT be added back to your inventory so be sure to pick wisely! 

These little snake like creatures are curious explorers and great hunters. Their strong front legs are used for digging deep burrows to live in, and their long feathery crests are used for display when finding a mate.

Standard Snesket

+1 animal part to adventure entry

Pied Snesket

Uncommon color

+1 animal part to adventure entry

River Snesket

Rare color

+1 animal part to adventure entry

Leaflet Frogs
These frogs are funny little creatures, living in the shallow parts of ponds. They use their leaf like appendages on their backs to help blend in with plant life so they are not preyed upon. They seem to have a knack for finding helpful herbs and plants.

Standard Leaflet

+1 Herb to adventure entry

Tropical Leaflet

Uncommon color

+1 Herb to adventure entry

Toxic Leaflet

Rare color

+1 Herb to adventure entry