Swift Wing

Species Name: Swift Wing
Size:  Medium
Description:  Long, slender, beaked dragons,  with large massive webbed wings and a spade tail. These dragons are known for their incredible high-speed races.
Species Variation: Spines along neck and rump area
Location: Plains
Diet:  Meat, cooked or raw
Egg Information:  Chicken egged shape with flat bottoms to stop from rolling.  Taking on the colors of the grasses around them. Very hard shell.

Top -------------------Forward------------------Studded--------------------Razor---------------------Full


Swift wings live in the golden planes of the eastern island. Here, they build homes on stilts with landing pads in front, often making a circular shaped village with a meeting area in the center. They erect tall stones around the village adorned in carvings to mark important buildings or just because.
Their homes are made of fire-poofed woods, with slanted roofs. Each home has a large hole for a door and a thick thatched mat that rolls down inside to cover the entrance for privacy when wanted. They don't keep kitchens inside and food prep and storage is done outside in a communal cooking area. They prefer to sleep on hide beds, filled with straw for padding. They don't keep much in terms of furniture but decorate often with winnings from their races.

This species tends to dress lightly, with tight-fitting clothing close to their body so as not to get in the way of flying at high speeds. It tends to be natural in color without much use of die or beadwork. At celebrations, they may dress more decorative with brighter colors. Race day attire is simply paint splashed across their body in their own pattern of choosing. Some keep it simple, some extravagant! 

Life and Death
Not much is done in the way of birth for this species, they tend to keep it simple and rather hushed. Not out of shame but simply... to keep it a private family affair. Once the eggs are laid, often under the home in piles of grass to keep them hidden, they are tended to until hatch day, when the whelps move indoors.
With it comes to the death of one of their kind or one coupled with one of their kind, they will take them to the char, an area cleared out, out of their village where they will burn the dead to return their ashes to the wind, to forever race alongside them. It tends to be a somber time when this happens, and the whole village normally attends. 

Role on the islands
Swift wings often take up jobs as couriers, delivering messages and packages for others. This is primarily due to the fact they can travel so fast! That's not to say it's expected or required of them to take this job,  as they are free to do as they please!

Race Day
Racing is the one thing every swift wing has deeply ingrained in their DNA. They are born wanting to fly right out of the egg, and even as whelps, often try to race each other on the ground when they don't yet know how to fly.
Race day is a big event, happening twice a year, bringing about dragons of all kinds from all over. Its location changes each race to a new zone, to keep things fresh. Courses of towering stone mark curves and turns, making a large loop. Flags mark different moves they must make at those markers, from barrel rolls to high climbs and fast dives through hoops of wood placed above the marker. Injuring another purposefully is not allowed, but accidents do happen, leaving many racers with scars or breaks throughout their lifetime.
While first place is always the main goal, taking second or third is nothing to be mad at. Winning prizes are often put together by the nearest Swift Wing village, They can take the form of gold, carvings, food, ect. 

Dragons in History

Day Break

Day Break was one of the fastest Swift Wings known to the racing fandom. He broke every previous speed record there was and was said to be the master mind behind some of the challenges now used in every race day.


Lyverus was one of the most notorious dragons on the isles. His corruption was incurable and after his reign of murderous terror, was locked away in an undisclosed location. No one knows if he is dead or alive.

Imges (c): GODHEX, Shavahiivallah, Leonaati, NorthernMalagon