
Accents are a great way to add a little bit of pop to your dragon's import!

Accents can be placed on horns, claws, gums, tongues, and paw pads/exposed flesh.

When it comes to picking an accent color, you may use the top or bottom small portions of your dragon's basecoat slider to pick, or pick from the base coat slider, OR pick your own color (natural or one to match your dragon's color.) If they are too far off from your dragon's base coat slider, they will be put in for corrections.

Skin, Gums, Tongue, Pawpads

-May be naturally colored, or match the basecoat slider (accent or body color portions)
-May have a paler color on toes or sections of the jowls (if visible) where white is present.
-May take on a slight sheen/shine, but may not mimic Metalic levels of shine (That would only be allowed with the correct mutation)
-Tongues may be a different color from the rest of the body's flesh. All other flesh should match unless touching the color white.
-Any dragons with gills, those gills must match the chosen flesh color.

Below are some acceptable natural, non slider colors you can pick from if you want!


-May be any color or up to 3 different colors.
-Pupil must always remain visible and solid black.

Fins (for dragons with them)

-Must match the basecoat slider (accent or body color portions)
-May have a slight, fully blended fade from one color to another as long as both come from the basecoat slider.

Manes (for dragons with them)

-Must match the basecoat slider (accent or body color portions)
-May have a slight, fully blended fade from one color to another as long as both come from the basecoat slider.


-Must be natural white or yellowed
-May take on a slight sheen/shine, but may not mimic Metalic levels of shine (That would only be allowed with the correct mutation)
-May take on a SLIGHT blended fade from lighter to darker (or visa versa) in color

Below are some acceptable colors you can pick from if you want!


-May be naturally colored, or match the basecoat slider (accent or body color portions)
-May have a paler color on claws where white is present on the toes/fingers.
-May take on a slight sheen/shine, but may not mimic Metalic levels of shine (That would only be allowed with the correct mutation)
-May take on a SLIGHT blended fade from lighter to darker (or visa versa) in color


-May be naturally colored, or match the basecoat slider (accent or body color portions)
-May take on a slight sheen/shine, but may not mimic Metalic levels of shine (That would only be allowed with the correct mutation)
-May take on a SLIGHT blended fade from lighter to darker (or visa versa) in color

Species Specifics

-Chin whisker trait may be tipped in any chosen color from the basecoat slider. may be soft-edged or hard-edged. May not cover the full whisker, only tip it!

Ship Breakers:
-Species Trait (Biolum) may be ANY chosen color, including black and white. The lineart must still be visible.

-Nose horn gem and tail gems must match, but may be any color from the base coat slider OR may be based on any natural stone/gemstone. May NOT be based on metal.