
Cause a marking across the full body that is black, with large random cutouts to show the markings and color under it. 

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Marking type: Top

Ink must be black (or may take on a slight hint of the base coat under it). Ink does not affect the claws, paw pads, horns, and species traits (With the exception of Udin chin tufts). Must be hard-edged, and may have a small slight halo effect. This marking should be chunks of coverage with SOME cutouts, or slashes. Should be natural in look. Too small of cut outs will not pass.

Line art must always be visible under the marking.

Visual Guide and Correct Examples


A simple example of this marking.

Cut outs

Lots of rounded cutouts in this example. Should not have any floating spots resembling other markings (spotted, flecked, ect)


A streaky, slashed/banded look is fine as well, as long as it does not resemble other markings. Should still be random in shapes.

X Incorrect Examples X

Shapes in cutouts

All cutouts/shapes in the marking should be natural or mostly natural. these starts and heart are FAR to perfect to be ok to pass. 

Full cover

The marking needs cutouts/slashes in it. It should never be fully covering the dragon.