
Milestones are special prompts that dont change month to month, and each prompt may only be completed ONCE per dragon! These prompts are design to help you flesh out your dragons story and how they may interact with the world around them! Cannon lore is not required to be followed to a tee for this section, but it goes too far from the believability of the lore and world, then you may be asked to fix it!

-The image or writing must follow the "milestone" prompt
-No more than 1 entry per prompt per dragon
-You may have up to 2 dragons in a singular entry count for milestone awards, even if you do not own them!
-See "Point Guide" page for specific information about the prompt entry art and lit requirements.

Special Rewards
-Milestone ribbon award attached to your dragon


Prompt 1 - "Hatching Day" 

"Your dragon has finally hatched, and the bright blue sky gleams overhead. How do they take in the new world?"

Prompt 2 - "Hunting time"

 "Your dragon finally decides it is time to hunt for themselves, what exactly do they choose to hunt this time? is it simple, easy to catch food, or are their eyes bigger than their stomach?"

Prompt 3 - "Sickly"

 "Dragons are not immune from getting sick. Sometimes it's worse than others. How does your dragon cope? do they get help from others? do they drink a healing tonic made by an herbalist?"

Prompt 4 - "New Location"

"Your dragon has decided to do some traveling but has ended up in a new challenging location/environment. How do they handle this?"

Prompt 5 - "A Personal Treasure"

 "Your dragon has a very special, favorite item they adore with all their might. what is it?"

Prompt 6 - "Harsh Weather"

 "The weather has done a drastic change. What kind of extreme weather are they experiencing? How do they survive?"

Prompt 7 - "Traders Arrive"

 "Dragons do LOTS of trading with one another. You have come across a trader on your travels, how do you interact with the trader? Do you buy something specific or offer to sell them something? (Must use a starter dragon or another players dragon (DOES NOT COUNT AS A PROMPT FOR OTHER PLAYERS) )

Prompt 8 - "Danger ahead"

 "Something is attacking nearby, what's going on?! Does your dragon go headlong into battle to defend, or do they hang back to see what is going on? Or do they flee?" 

Prompt 9 - "Ships on the wind!" 

"Ships, human ships....ring the alarm! Not just ship breakers will attempt to sink them and keep the island safe, all walks of dragon life will do their best and head deep into battle! How does your dragon fend off these ships?"

Prompt 10 - "Taste Test

"Nothing like a good stew to warm your belly" Your dragon has decided to try their hand at cooking. Are they a master chef? Or is their meal bland and burnt to a crisp?

Prompt 11 - "Potion Brewer

"Bubble bubble toil and trouble." Potion brewing is not easy. What new ingredients does your dragon try out this time? Does it turn out into a useable potion?