
Humans are not welcomed on the isles at all. Dragons have kept the isles safe from them for thousands of years. They know what humans can do to their kind, and how they can destroy the wilds around them, how they drain the magic from their lands. Legend says that over time a few humans have proven themselves worthy of staying and lived a full life on the islands with their dragon companions but that has not happened in recent history. Anthropomorphic species of various wildlife however DO call the islands home but are rare. 

Age of Magic

Humans are currently in an age of "Magic-Punk" Similar to steampunk in terms of advancement. However, their world is run on the consumption of raw magic and uses more wood, stone, and some metals in its aesthetics vs so much metal that is steampunk. This is the main reason they are after the veiled dragon isles. Dragons are the most powerful source of raw magic, and they and their islands are FULL of it. Here are some example images of what it may look like, images are all found on google!

The draining of mana wells

With the ever-growing consumption and need for magic/mana, humans have tapped deeper and deeper into their mana wells. These large mine-like structures dive deep into the earth, following the flow of mana, but now, these wells are dying. The draw is too much for the world around them to naturally replace, causing panic and fear to ripple across the planet in the human realms.

Those in power have started the process of sending more and more forces to the shrouded lands (Dragon Isles). There the mana source seems to pool, seems to stem from. That AND dragons have the natural ability to draw it from the very air around them. Talk of capturing and using dragons as a sort of moveable, controllable mana source has started, as well as taking over the lands for their use. As the mana shortage grows, even the humans who wish no harm to come to the dragons and the shrouded lands, have begun to turn a blind eye to their government's misdeeds. 

Human Trash Items

Dead Flowers

Old Bones

Torn Scroll

Worn Leather Scraps

Pocket Rocks

Corrupted Do-Dad