
Causes a full body (or mostly full body) stripe down the side of the dragon. 

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Racer creates a long horizontal band of color along the side of the dragon, starting from around the eye or muzzle, and runs along the body and tail. May end sooner if so chosen but must be at least 50% of the body length. Starts around the eyes or tail. It May split into two stripes as long as it reconnects before it ends.

May be lighter or darker than the base coat or color from the slider.

Line art must always be visible under the marking.

Visual Guide and Correct Examples


This racer is the minimum sized racer allowed. it covers the 50% mark.


This racer splits into two, and reconnects into one before ending! This is allowed.


Racer is allowed to be some what thick, this would be a good example of that.

X Incorrect Examples X

No reconnect

This racer splits, but does not reconnect before ending. This would be sent for corrections.

No starting

Racer must start on the tail OR behind the eye. This example has it starting on either the leg or the neck, neither of which would be allowed.