
Cause a marking across the full body that resembles small little round flecks of color.

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Flecks can be darker than what they sit over. They can also be lighter than what they sit over, OR they may take on both light AND dark together (up to 3 different colors).
Be sure to keep them very small in size! Too large and they may be confused for spots. But also don't keep them EXTREMELY tiny or they may be confused with [COMING SOON]

Line art must always be visible under the marking.

Visual Guide and Correct Examples

Dark Flecks

Smaller, spots of dark color. Can have one or two next to each other, but mostly spread out across the body.

Light Flecks

Smaller, spots of light color. Can have one or two next to each other, but mostly spread out across the body.

Mixed Flecks

Up to 3 shades of either light or dark. Can have one or two next to each other, but mostly spread out across the body.

X Incorrect Examples X

Clustered Flecks

While some flecks clustered near others is fine, they should be fairly spread out across the body and not all located in one central area.

Tiny Speckling

This type of flecks far too much resembles the marking [COMING SOON]. Its much too compact and tiny in appearance. 

Hair like Flecks

While once allowed, this type of flecking is no longer allowed for this marking. Flecks should be round in shape, and not have any long hair like effects.