
Banded creates 3-4 large bands of darker color across the body running vertically.

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Banded must be darker than what it sits over, or darker then the base coat. You may pick from the slider of your character, or use your discretion on picking your own shade.

Banded must be thick bands of one color and must have gaps in between. May be hard edged or soft edged. Must have 3-4 bands, no more, no less.

Line art must always be visible under the marking.

Visual Guide and Examples

One location

Banded IS allowed to be more located on one part of the dragon, but the bands must STILL be thick with large gaps between them. They must also not resemble other markings such as stockings, ect.

Fully around the body

Think of bands like a circle of duc-tape or other such materials. They need to fully encircle the body. As such, they need to be on top of the wings and show on other legs (like the hind legs in this example.) They are symmetrical in nature.

Soft edge

They allow for soft edges, even when following slight muscle curves, such as this example.

X Incorrect Examples X

Bands too large

These bands are FAR too large, leaving VERY little of the basecoat visible under them! 

Not enough bands

You must have 3 to 4 bands of color. Here, there are only two bands and that's not enough to count for Banded.

Odd edges and no show

This example has odd edged/wavy bands. Bands should be relatively straight with no unique shapes. They MAY follow the contour of the muscles slightly. The band is also not showing on the back of the wing and it should be!