Here are some of our most commonly asked questions, please be sure to read over these to see if there are any answers here before asking on our discord!

Q: "What is the main currency of the game and how do I earn it?"
A: Gold! Our main game runs mostly on the currency of gold. This can be earned from doing adventure prompts, as well as selling unwanted items found in adventuring or trash items. Another good way is to trade for it with other players! Sometimes gold is given away in the pop-up events section of our discord.

Q: "How do I get more dragons?"
A: There are quite a few ways! Breeding dragons whether they be your own, or slots you have been given by other players, starter slots from your inventory, wild eggs found adventuring or slots/eggs given away in our pop-up events section! You can also trade for already rolled dragons (genos) from other players if they have them up for trade/sale.

Q: "Can I add this (insert random example of a  marking) to my dragon?"
A: Unfortunately most of the time it will be no. Unless your dragon's geno has a marking or it's a free marking, they can not be added to your dragon. If the marking does not exist in the game then you are free to post it as a suggested marking in our suggestions section on our discord. Body paint however allows for special things added to your dragons that may not need a full marking added to the game such as symbols or war paint. Your dragon must be approved and uploaded BEFORE you can add body paint to your dragon.

Q: "Will there ever be (insert random dragon type) or (insert event/battle) in the game?"
A: This is something I (Northern) can't speak about, as all future additions to the games are surprises for our members! I (Northern) may lightly hint at upcoming things as they grow closer to launch but giving out future update information is not something any staff is permitted to do.