Meet the Staff

Here is some information on who runs the game and helps out! Please understand, most of the time any game related issues should NOT be directly DM'ed to the staff, but asked in the questions section of our discord.

Northern Malagon (North)

Owner/Sole Artist/Developer
Hobbies: Art, gaming, collecting rocks and dragons, loving on her partner and her pets
Pets: Clover (dog), Storm (cat) , Puppy (cat), (COMING SOON <3)
Age: Old enough to be getting gray hair at a steady pace...
Location:  PNW, home of rain and mud
Favorite food: I just love food, It's hard to pick a favorite


Lead Mod
Hobbies: Gaming, Coloring, Soon to be Snake Breeder
Pets: Goose (Cat), (Hognoses) Braham, Rox, Tybalt Age: Too old and too young at the same time. All my joints make noise and scream at storms
Location: PNW The.... drier side with potatoes.
Favorite Food: Taco Bell 5-layer burritos tbh, oh and Dr. Pepper 

Gabraanth (Gab)

North's Emotional Support Boyfriend
Job: Gives feedback and helps bounce ideas with North. May roll things if she asks him nicely. Helps mod from the background and lets her know if there are issues.
Hobbies: Gaming
Favorite Food: All

Coming soon!