
Cause striping across the body. 

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Striped must be darker than what it sits over or than the base coat or black in color. May take on a slight gradient or fade into the base coat.

Stripes can take on tiger-like shapes, running vertically, or maybe classic tabby-like shapes running in a mix of vertical and horizontal. They may also take on tribal-like shapes, but it must not get too extreme. Stripes can't be too thick to where they resemble banded. They may resemble brindle markings.

Line art must always be visible under the marking.

Visual Guide and Correct Examples


A basic stripped example.


A classic tabby or tribal like style of stripped.


Brindle like stripes.

X Incorrect Examples X


Stripes must be vertical with the body, unless doing the classic/tribal look which is then a mix of vertical and horizontal. 

Too much tribal

These dont look natural and would not pass. We allow for some unique shapes with the tribal/classic tabby style but too extreme, with extreme or sharp angles would not pass.