
Spotted makes spots of color across the body. 

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Spotted may be darker or lighter than what it sits over, or then the base coat. You may pick from the slider or use black/white.

Spotted spots may not be XL in size and may not be tiny as to resemble other markings. Spots must not overlap except for a few times (no more than 10). Must be hard or soft-edged. May take on two shades of color, either light or dark, or one light AND dark.
Must NOT look like marbled.

Spots  may take on giraffe like shapes.

Line art must always be visible under the marking.

Visual Guide and Correct Examples


A basic spotted example. No spots are too large or too small. No more then 10 are overlapping

One area

Spots dont need to cover the full body, they can stick to specific parts of the body if you choose as long as they dont look too clustered.

2 colors

Spotted may have two colors, either two shades or light, two shades of dark, or one shade of light and one of dark. 

X Incorrect Examples X

3 or more colors

Remember, no more then two colors is allowed for spotted.


These spots are FAR FAR too large, and more then 10 of them are touching.