Thunder Horns

Species Name: Thunder Horns
Size: Medium
Description: Medium sized dragons with large flat crest like horns and hoof-like toe caps
Species Variation:  Crest  and Tail Spikes
Location: Forbidden Ruins
Diet: Roots, fungus, some meats
Egg Information: Sturdy chicken egg-shaped, very hard shells. White to gray in color, with specks.

Standard -------------------Spiked------------------Hooked--------------------Needle---------------------Grand



The Thunder Horns at first lived underground in massive cave complexes lit by bright magical lights, but after they were displaced by a horrible hungry monster, they live above ground in the Forbidden Ruins location, now called (Redacted for now). Their homes are made among the crumbling ruin complex made of tan stand stone and other various types of stone, but they are not being repaired and braced. Mud and stone homes make up most of their place with shops set up around a central city area. They often decorate with fabric, covering walkways to block out the harsh sun, and draping over windows and home openings to keep the sandy winds from bringing in dirt. It's a vibrant desert life.


Not used to the sun, Thunder horns will often use loose-fitting cloth clothing or draping over their backs and heads to keep them safe from the sun in the harsh seasons. Cloth from the Udin is one of their biggest imports to their area. Thunder Horns are also very big on beaded jewelry. The more fun and colorful the better. 

Life and Death

Thunder Horns are simple in their culture involving life and death. The laying of eggs and the hatching of said eggs is often a small family ordeal, with very few welcome to witness these events. At a young age, Thunder horns are often hanging out with other hatchlings of their age, sparing and clacking horns together. When it comes to death, due to living underground, this species digs out crypts deep in stone where families often bury their own. These family crypts can span back thousands of years. 

Role on the islands
Right now, they are simply trying to settle into a new way of life while preserving their old ways to the best of their abilities. Who knows what the future holds and how the Thunder Horns will find their place on the islands.