
Causes a marking to appear on all limbs of the body (Front and back, no wings). 

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Legs can be lighter/darker than what it sits over. Use your discretion on picking your own shade, just be sure to not get too saturated.

Must affect all limbs. Must fully reach up to the hips/shoulders. May also present along JUST the back of the limbs as long as it still reaches to the elbows and knee level. Must leave the entire toe covered if that option is selected.

Line art must always be visible under the marking.

Visual Guide and Correct Examples

Minimum Height

legs should always cover the entire leg up to at least the elbows/knees of the dragon.

Wavy Edge

The tops of the marking may allow for some slight wave to it, as long as the edge does not look too extreme.

Backs of the legs

This marking allows to be shown on the back of the legs only AS LONG AS it reaches the elbows/knee level AND the entirety of the toes are FULLY covered!

X Incorrect Examples X

Toes and height

The toes on this dragon are not fully covered which is required. The marking also does not reach up to the knee and elbo height on the backs of the legs!

Too fancy

The edge of this marking at the top is FAR too fancy/shaped. at most a slight curve or wave is allowed.