Textures and Patterns 

for this project we had to take 10 picture of textures and patterns, you had to take interesting photos that show texture being able to think you could touch it, for example zooming in of the fibers or outside of the leaf or taking pictures of a brick wall with grooves.

i think the most interesting photo of mine is either the leaf or the thorns. i say this because for the leaf that is just after it rained and it wad just getting sunny outside so the greens of the plant really stand out, also there groves of the leaf all lead toward the stem where it is a little bit more blurry giving the attention to the water droplets and the rest of the leaf. and then for the thorns they do appear very sharp and the way that where the middle focus of the camera is where the shade cuts the stem in half makes it look really cool. 

i think if i was going to change one of my edits it would be the mushroom on the rock because there isnt much diffrence between the two of them all it looks like i did was make it a little sharoper, so i think i would adjust the cast a little bit to make it more yellowish because I took it out in the middle of the woods behind hy house so that would make more senmce and i think it would tie the photio togeather a little bit more.