Maine Junior Duck Stamp 

In Process

The Duck With A Yellow Eye



for this project, we had to pick a duck from the assigned native duck list, and do research on it so we could learn about the duck, where it lived, the habitat, color, and differences between male and female and baby. I really enjoy using charcoal and I had a lot of fun creating this project, much more than I did the first time I did the duck stame, my freshman year. I chose to do a Ring necked duck just because it was the most black and white duck that I could find on the list after I decided that I wanted to use charcoal, however he has a yellow eye which is pretty spooky but cool, which is why I named it "The duck with a yellow eye". 

I used graphite pencil, charcoal, pastels,  pastel tinted paper, painters tape border, and tortillas

I really enjoyed doing this project although it took a lot of time it looks really good, Im not quite finished but so far I think that it's coming along really well and that once it's finished I will look pretty good. Im hoping on getting some sort of placement like I did my Freshman year, but if I domnt that will be fine. I think that im going to make some sort of splash effect around the base of the duck to add movement in comparison with the duck and then make some sort of sky in the background.