Beautiful Oops 

2"x 3"                       Trumpet and a cherry 

my inspiration for this project was a little bit all over the place but you know thats what happened. i started with trying to develop the overall concept with doing some sort of research. i thought that i looked like one of those kiwi birds because of the long beak and short stubby body but the ink could have also been like a shadow of someone walking towards the sun but i looked up some cartoon character ideas and made it into something a little bit less realistic but  i still love ut and i think the simplicity of it is what makes it its own. 

i used solely graphite pencils and a paper blending tool and used a 6" by 4" piece of paper. i chose to use only pencil because i wanted it to stay black and white and i didnt want it to contrast too much with the ink. i also had just bought my new graphite pencils and i wanted to comfortably use them later in life so i have to USE THEM NOW!!! 

if i had to change something i would probably spend more time fixing my shadow because its kinda wonky and i would also continue working on my blending. i would also spend more time fixing the eyes and making them more realistic so that they can make it a little bit funnier and honestly just BETTER.