Duck stamp

Emperors Reflecting Tide

Maine junior duck stamp, somehow i got third place


acrylic paint

in this project we had to create a state duck picking from a specific list that we were given. wwe had to do research on the duck and create a statement about why we though this project was important before we had to summit our drawings or whatever medium we used to the competition. for my project i chose an emperor goose and it is in a sort of planes biome with a reflection over the water

i used canvas paper, graphite pencils, acrylic paint

i think i did pretty good i had a few troubles going through this like forgetting my project at school then having to drive back and grab it after asking the jana]itor to let me in on a weekend and explain why i needed to get into the art room and then going home and doing it that day because it was a sunday and it was due on monday. but other than that i feel like i did good and i am proud of what i have acomplisted with it and the realization of how much i actualy dont like painting anything other than abstract