Circle/ Dot project 

6"x6"                                         Swirly Sands 

Forn this project we had to create a project for the national dot day which was a friday. anyway we had many options for what we could create for it, I chose to do embroydery because it was something that i had never done before and it sounded cool. I kind of felt like an old lady sitting in my rocking chair but it was very fun to create. I got inspired by starry night and the yankey candle Pink Sands because i thought that the blue gradient and pink gradient would look pretty good togeather in the same swirls as the sky from starry night. I also just like the candle Pink Sands and its my favorite and I thought that this would be a good opportunity for me to do this. 

I used embroidery floss and cloth and i just created the design from my head and didn't use outlining for it. i also used some of my friends because they wanted to try it so i let them each do two stitches.

If I had to change something I would wish to have more time to complete it because i didn't realise how much time it would take to do embroidery especially because I wanted to to look good and uniform in the length and quality of the individual stitches and how they connected to the next one forming a single no spaces line. I would also go back and ass some small Bright white with some very light pink swirls on top of the swirls closest in the front to resemble sea foam.  but overall i think that it turned out a lot better than what I expected and I actually really like it, I know that I say i like each of the pieces that I make but there are very few that i actually enjoy looking at and are aesthetically pleasing for me and other people, and i'm really glad that I chose to do embroidery because I think that it will be something that I will enjoy doing in the future.