5 pot creation

for this project we had to create a structure of 5 or more pots combined or attached in some sort of way. When i started drawing what i was going to make i wanted it to be very abstract but also cool looking and i wanted it to be able to sit in a specific way. as i was making it i started changing a lot of the structure and how it was going to look because i thought that it would look a lot better with the first pot that i had already made. i was inspired by shells a i wanted to try to incorporate some type of oceanic form into my pot for the larger middle sor of building block of my project. i also wanted it to flow with the other parts and pots that i attached to it, but i ended up making my final product into sort of fountain and i still thinks that i looks pretty cool.

when i first started i had to wedge the clay because i took the stuff that was at the bottom of the bag and there was a lot of different colors of the clay that was starting to separate that i needed to mix back in. once i did that i made a large ball that i cut in half and then i made two pinch pots from that. when i was done i adjusted them slightly to fit well on top if each other when i would attach them and then i tried to smooth them out as best i could, but i put them i a plastic bag until the next class with just a little air pocket so that i would dry out a little bit but not to leather hard yet so that i could bend and reshape them into the shellish shape that i wanted. i couldn't quite attach part of the pot together because when i was putting them together, a pat of the rim was too thin so it just kept breaking apart, so instead i just cut it out and made it into a round hole where you could be able to look inside of the pot and it would also be a lot easier for me to glaze the inside as well. then i made a top opening part of this "shell" with another pinch pot that i attached to the side in a sort of deflating quarter sphere and above that i put a pot that is on its side so it has sort of a roof and it has a long spout that is leading into that deflating quarter sphere pot. then i just added a smallish hole to connect the inside of the pots so that if there was water or smoke going through it it would be able to flow. lastly i made the last pot and pushed it on the top of the table so that it would be able to sit on the same plane as the two punchpot middle popt with a flat surface, and again i added a smallish hole to connect the inside for the same reason as well.

i think that if i could g back and change something i would have tried to do it a lot faster because as i was creating my difret pots across the different days that we had they dried a different times and it made it harder for me to attach them and smooth them because one pot would be a little bit more dry than leather hard and one would have only had that in between day from maroon to white and back to maroon to dry. also i think that i should have smoothed it better after i did something to the pot because everytime i would just end up adding more fingerprints and nail marks, but other than that i am super stoked with how it came out and i'm proud of what i have created.