Photo Edits 

High horizon line


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Selective Focus 

Tiny White Flower 

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Close Distance 


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in this assignment we had to go around the school and find different artistic compositions and angles. we didn't have a lot to work with and we also had a limited time but we did what we could so that we could edit the photos in the next class. we could also use other photos that we had already taken anytime before which is what i did. we had to choose three different photos that we wanted to edit and do so in the google photos app.

i chose these three photos because they we already artistically pleasing to me and i wanted to make them even better or worse when trying out the editing in google photos. i chose the sunset because i thought it was pretty and i took it at my camp when me and my family went a couple months ago. i also chose the white flower because it was the first focussed macro image that i took on my camera at home and i think its just cute and pretty to look at especially with the little water drop. and lastly i chose my dog because he is cute and he kind of posed for me and it was great and the lighting was great and it was also at my cam which was his first time there. 

my favorite photo is the third photo of the Tiny White Flower because its has like a cool tone and a dull but bright and defined center drawing you to the flower without being too distracting. it also just looks really go and i'm very happy with how it turned out.