Colored Candy

Shaded spheres


marker, colored pencils, water color, on water color paper

Candy still life


printmaking paper

for this project, we had to do 4 shaded spheres with a highlight, a reflected highlight, and a shadow. we had to use a different texture each time so we had to do one with colored pencil, watercolor, marker, and a mixed texture one. after that we had to do a foreshadow to give it more of a pop-out realistic look. once we had completed our spheres we had to assemble and arrange different pieces of candy on a blank piece of paper with 3 activated sides. then we had to take a picture and print it and draw that picture on a different piece of paper. we had to look carefully when looking at shadows and highlights and wrinkles because we were only shading with color and we could not use any black.

I used watercolor and printmaking paper. I also used watercolor, marker, and colored pencils, and a white gel pen

Some difficulties that i ran into were making the reflective highlights on the spheres and the realisticality of the candy. it was really hard to try to do something that i had never done before but i think that i did ok fr a biginer. this was a really fun project to make and it was so cool to know that i could make something that looks like this.