Blind Contour 

14"x8"                                                              Ocean Faces 

For this project we had to do blind contour, we were given the choice of drawing paper or water color paper, I chose watercolor paper because I wasn't sure if i was going to paint on top of my faces or not. We had to include at least 4 of our blind contour drawings which i chose the people that I was sitting closest to to draw and for my piece. We then had to create a background so you're forced to use up all or almost all of the white space, I used salt to disperse the color around it so when it dries there was a color difference that created light spots. I used white watercolor to outline these spaces which made them look like bubbles so i wanted to do something that was water or ocean scene. I splatted some paint on top  for some reason not sure why, I just felt like it. Anyway I stated to turn some of the lines it created into arms of an octopus and then put one of my faces on that.

I used watercolor paper on watercolor paper, watercolors, black pen, and salt. I used watercolor because it is easy to cover a lot of space really quickly, and i'm somewhat comfortable with using it.  I used watercolor paper to draw my faces on because I was going to paint over them to make them more one with the background, and I used salt because it was a new technique that I wanted to try, and sounded fun. 

If I could go back and change something I would start by finishing it so it's better fitting and more completed and fits together better. I would also go over the white watercolor again to make them stand out more. I. would have made another octopus for the face in the top left. But so far I do like the composition of it and the placement of where things would have been, overall i think this project was pretty fun and I like how its turning out so far.