
for this project you had to make a sgraffito design that you could carve into your underglaze to make a designed slab , my inspiration for this was a ghost coming out of its grave looking at the grave while the wind blows though her hair

i had to create a clay slab that was roughly 1/2 inch thick, then you had to let it get fully dried to and done its first firing, then you have to do three coats of underglaze and then i had to carve my design into it. than once that was done i had to do a clear glaze three coats on top of that and glaze fire it t have the finished project

if i had to go back and change something i think that i would have removed the top of the body so that it was more like disappearing behind her hair and i would have flattened the slab a little bit more so that its not as lifterd or bent on the corners