Final Inspired Project

for this project we had to first do research on a potter and then we had choose one of their pots or a general theme and be inspired and create our own but making it more modern and like us but we were only allowed to use 3 pounds of clay. i chose do Magdalene Odundo because i thought that her pots were very cool and abstract and that they we all kind of the same but also very different at the same time, i would describe them as alsm eye catching.

i first started by making a small slab for the bottom and sis some small coils inwards, then i smoothed them and created a bottom rim, then i mad core larger coils that i started building in upwards in a kind of egg shape when i finished i pressed in the top to look like a square with curved edges. then i made a small pinch pot and mad a small coil which i put on the inside of the rim so that the cap would actually fit the pot, then i made a small ball and put that on the top to finish it. i glazed it with a grey and green so that it would complement each other

i don't really like how this turned out because its not at all like my design and it looks kinda sloppy. i think that i could have done a lot better and that i was just really trying to rush through things and get everything finished. if i had focused a little bit more that i could have made it alot better but i cant go back and change it now that its dont, i still like it thought and im proud if the things that i have made in this class.