
Value Scale

Gridded Self Portrait

Artist Statement

For this project, we used a 9x12" piece of paper and created a value scale. We used the different values to shade a sphere. For the next part of the project, we found a photo, switched it to black and white, printed it, and added a grid. We did this so that it was easier to draw our features with correct proportions. For this project, we used a ruler, pencils, and two square cutouts to section off the paper for accurate lines and shapes, and features. We used value a lot in this project because that's what it was about. I used a lot of line in the hair and clothing details. A struggle I had with this project was the features. I had to redo them a couple of times because they just didn't look right. I am proud of how this turned out in the end because it is an old memory of me and my friend from my old school. It was nice to make something dedicated to her because she was a big part of my life.