Stars and Stripes

Final 5x4


Adala Mccann


Carol Fairservice



Artist Statement

For this project we were instructed to use the principles of design to create a project with elements of the American flag. We focused a lot on colors, like the red white, and blue present in the flag, as well as black. We also focused on shapes, like stars and stripes or rectangles. Our piece was supposed to either represent pride or protest in our country.

The materials I used for this artwork were photographs, my art notebook, a pencil, and photoshop. The first step in my process was using a typical 2B pencil and my art book to draw out a sketch. My next step in this process was taking a photo of my friend, Adala, to use as the main focus of the work. I then hunted through the camera roll on my phone for the center image of the women in the burning city. Finally, after I imported my photos into photoshop I used them as a guide to digitally paint this work with the paintbrush tool.

I wanted my piece to symbolize what being a woman in America is. Women have been through decades of both social and government oppression whether it be gender roles, or our right to vote being withheld for years holding us back from being equal. While women are beautiful, and life here in America is better than in a lot of countries there is still violence and discrimination towards women in the workforce and everyday life. I wanted this piece to be pleasing to the eye to represent that beauty while also being clear about the present hostilities of the society we live in.