
A Creature With a Lizard Body, Mouse Head, and Caterpillar Feet. 19x9"

We were given a list of silly prompts to choose from.  I chose to create "A Creature With a Lizard Body, Mouse Head, and Caterpillar Feet" because I felt it was very vague and would give me a lot of choice in picking colors, and the background. We were allowed to use any art materials available to us. 

I used a pencil to sketch out my basic ideas and play around with the background, trying to make these body parts cohesive into one creature. I then used marker so that some parts were darker than others, adding value, and making other parts of the piece other than the creature stand out. I then switched to pencil for bigger areas so the color wouldn't be as intense, and I could add more detail to the piece.

This project was more fun, so I didn't strive too much to make it realistic. I thought the basic shapes and background would fit the vibe of my overall piece, and it made the creature more of a focal point because it has a little more detail.